West, Arab States Only Pay ‘Lip Service’ to Yemen Humanitarian Aid: Churkin

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - The UN Security Council is paying “lip service” to Yemen’s humanitarian needs – that is the accusation voiced by Russian UN envoy Vitaly Churkin following Friday’s meeting, where Russia’s proposal for a humanitarian pause in hostilities was left in limbo.

These comments follow an escalation in casualties in Yemen, as Saudi Arabia stands accused of indiscriminate bombing, claiming the lives of innocent civilians.

Thousands flooded the streets of the capital Sana'a on Friday to voice their powerlessness over the situation for the second time in two weeks.

Russia implored the Security Council to agree at least on a temporary ceasefire plan to allow for the delivery of aid, but Churkin saw his three-paragraph proposal being met with “procrastination.”

"I was prepared to drop a reference to (a call for) an immediate ceasefire, just at the very least they need to have periodic humanitarian pauses to facilitate the delivery of humanitarian supplies, they couldn't even agree to that," the Russian envoy told reporters after the closed-door meeting.

"If you cannot agree to a simple statement what can you agree on… They pay lip service, they say ‘things are very bad, but what can we do about it.”

The representatives are said to be discussing the proposal further with their governments, but Churkin remained “pretty sure” on Friday that “we will not have any statement today.”

“This really shows an amazing indecision and I think lack of understanding of how things are evolving,” the Russian envoy added.

The five weeks of fighting in Yemen (March 19-April 27) have left nearly 1,250 people dead, the World Health Organization said on Friday. Local estimates on the ground are much higher, RT reported.