Leader Brands US "World’s Most Disgraceful Gov't” for Supporting Saudi War on Yemen

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei condemned as “unjustifiable” the Saudi military campaign against Yemen, and took a swipe at the US for supporting such atrocities.

The US has the most disgraceful government in the world, an obvious sign of which is Washington’s support for the Saudi atrocities against people of Yemen, Ayatollah Khamenei said in a Wednesday address to a group of Iranian teachers here in Tehran.

“The Al Saud government is busy killing innocent people, women and children in Yemen without any justification and under the mere pretext that why Yemenis do not agree of a specific person for presidency, and Americans are also supporting such serious crimes,” the Leader said.

“Americans are supporting the killing of Yemenis without any shame, but accuse Iran - which wants to deliver medical and food aids to people of Yemen - of interfering in that country and dispatching arms,” Imam Khamenei added.

The Leader argued that the Yemeni nation does not need any weapons, because it already has full control over the military bases.

What Yemenis need is humanitarian assistance because of the shortage of medication, food and energy in the wake of the blockade imposed by the aggressors, Ayatollah Khamenei said, and decried Saudi Arabia for refusing a consignment of Iran’s humanitarian aid landing in Yemen.

Fighter jets of Saudi Arabian-led coalition bombed the runway of Sana'a airport on April 28 to prevent an Iranian plane carrying aid cargos from landing in the Yemeni capital.

Some six weeks of deadly air strikes on Yemen have killed more than 2,000 people, most of them civilians, according to the spokesman of the Yemeni Army.

The Saudi-led coalition, which seeks to restore power to the fugitive former President Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi, includes eight other Arab states and is receiving logistical support from the US, Britain and France.