Official Stresses Hezbollah’s Support for National Unity in Lebanon

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Deputy Secretary General of Lebanese Hezbollah Resistance Movement Sheikh Naim Qassem emphasized that the movement supports national unity and stability in Lebanon, stressing the need for countering “common challenges”.

Hezbollah insists on maintaining national unity in Lebanon and will make any effort to support stability in the country, Al Manar TV quoted Qassem as saying on Monday.

He also underlined the movement’s emphasis on the need for fighting common challenges, including the threat of Takfiri terrorists in Syria's Qalamoun region.

Qassem’s remarks came after Secretary General Seyed Hassan Nasrallah on April 30 held talks with Free Patriotic Movement leader Michel Aoun on a range of issues.

According to a Hezbollah statement, Nasrallah and Aoun discussed domestic political matters, “on top of which came the presidential” question.

Hezbollah's statement said at the time that the two leaders also discussed “the Takfiri terrorist threat endangering the whole region, and highlighted the necessity of fighting it by all means to protect Lebanon and its stability.”

Aoun is supported by Hezbollah and its March 8 allies for Lebanon’s presidency, against the March 14 coalition-backed candidate, Lebanese Forces chief Samir Geagea, Aoun’s political arch foe.