Iran Unveils New Domestically-Made Medicines

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Vice-President for Science and Technology Affairs Sorena Sattari on Tuesday unveiled three new achievements made by the country's researchers in the field of pharmaceuticals.

In his visit to Soha Pharmaceutical Company in Tehran, Sattari unveiled three medicines produced by the company, which are used for treating kidney patients.

During the unveiling ceremony, a number of high-ranking officials, including Head of Iran's Red Crescent Society Amir Mohsen Ziaei, accompanied the Iranian vice-president.

According to the officials of the pharmaceutical company, the commercial production of the three medicines would be an effective step towards the treatment of patients with acute renal failure and contribute to the development of the country's pharmaceutical industry.

Back in mid-February, Iran unveiled 12 new domestically-made medicines used for the treatment of a whole range of illnesses like cancer, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), diabetes, and inflammation as well as cardiovascular disease.

The cost of production of these drugs is several times lower than their foreign equivalents.

Iranian experts have in recent years made great headways in using modern medical technology to cure a broad range of diseases inside the country, turning Iran into a top destination for medical tourism.