Iran’s Aid Dispatch to Yemen in Full Coordination with UN: Spokeswoman

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Marziyeh Afkham on Wednesday stressed that Tehran has coordinated with international bodies the dispatch of its cargo ship carrying humanitarian aid to the war-torn Yemen.

The dispatch of the cargo ship carrying Iran’s humanitarian aid to Yemen is in full coordination with the United Nations (UN), International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), and World Food Program (WFP), Afkham said in her weekly press conference.

She further warned against any measure to disrupt the aid delivery, saying that not only Iran, but also all international bodies would react to such disruptive move.

In similar remarks on Tuesday, Director General of the Iranian Foreign Ministry’s Department for Political and International Affairs Hamid Baeidinejad had told the Russian Sputnik news agency that Iran has coordinated aid delivery to Yemen directly with the United Nations.

The statements came days after US called on Iran to direct its aid ship, titled “Nejat” (Rescue), to the UN aid distribution hub in Djibouti.

The Saudi-led coalition has insisted it would deny entry to the Iranian ship without prior permission from the coalition forces.

Tehran has tried three times to send humanitarian aid to Yemen, but Saudi fighter jets have refused aid planes landing in Sana'a airport.