Iran, Indonesia Discuss Cooperation to Promote True Islam

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran's First Vice President Eshaq Jahangiri and Indonesia's Coordinating Minister for the Economy Sofyan Djalil highlighted the joint measures the two Muslim nations can take to introduce the true image of Islam to the world.

People of the world should get acquainted with the true, moderate image of Islam, Jahangiri said in a Sunday meeting with Djalil in Tehran, adding that "Iran and Indonesia can forge constructive cooperation in this regard and introduce Islam to the world as a religion that favors peace and calm."

He also deplored the extremist acts that have nothing to do with Islam, saying such violent measures are meant to spread Islamophobia in the world.

"As the most populous Islamic country, Indonesia has a big responsibility to introduce the real Islam and present the moderate Islam to the world," the Iranian vice president further said.

The visiting Indonesian minister, for his part, deplored attempts aimed at misrepresenting Islam.

"Islam has put great emphasis on peace, friendship and moderation," Djalil said, adding that Iran and Indonesia can have constructive cooperation for introducing the true image of Islam to the world.

Earlier in April, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and his Indonesian counterpart Joko Widodo, in a meeting in Jakarta, underlined the need for further efforts to boost bilateral relations between the two Muslim countries in diverse areas.

In his remarks, president Rouhani pointed to the importance of closer cooperation between Tehran and Jakarta in the area of economy, and said the joint economic commission of the two countries should work more actively.