Syria, Hezbollah Advance in Qalamoun

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - The Syrian army, backed by fighters from the Lebanese resistance movement Hezbollah, has been making significant gains against Takfiri terrorists operating in the Lebanese-Syrian border region of Qalamoun, Press TV reports.

The joint forces of the Syrian army, Syria’s National Defense forces and Hezbollah fighters are now tightening the noose around the al-Qaeda-linked terrorist group al-Nusra Front near the Syrian town of Flitah in Qalamoun, which straddles the border between Syria and Lebanon.

The joint forces managed to retake control of a number of hilltops overlooking the border, inflicting heavy losses on the terrorists in the region.

The Hezbollah fighters and the Syrian forces attacked the terrorists, “destroyed their vehicles and [cut] their supply lines stretching from Arsal in Lebanon to Flitah in Syria,” a military source in the joint forces told Press TV, referring to two border towns.

On Saturday, Syrian troops and Hezbollah fighters managed to take control of the Sadr al-Bustan hilltop on the outskirts of Flitah.

The gains in Qalamoun coincide with victories by Hezbollah against terrorists south and north of the town of Arsal. Over the past week, Hezbollah has taken control of some major hilltops and positions in the area from Takfiri terrorists.