Iran, Armenia Stress Closer Diplomatic Relations

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran's Deputy Foreign Minister for Consular, Parliamentary and Expatriates' Affairs Hassan Qashqavi and the head of the Armenian foreign ministry’s consular department called for further efforts to promote consular relations between the two neighbors.

In the meeting with Vladimir Karmirshalyan in Tehran on Monday evening, Qashqavi emphasized that closer consular relations will pave the way for the expansion of Tehran-Yerevan relations in other areas, including economy and trade.

He pointed to the determination of the Iranian and Armenian leaders to promote bilateral ties, and asked the heads of consular departments to provide the ground for cancellation of visa requirements for the two countries’ nationals.

The Armenian envoy, who has come to Iran to attend the 10th session of the joint consular meeting, for his part, briefed Qashqavi on his successful talks and agreements with his Iranian counterpart.

Karmirshalyan also voiced his country’s determination to further develop cooperation with the Islamic Republic on legal aid, tourism, trade and investment and also provide various services for the country’s citizens.

Iran and Armenia have always enjoyed amicable relations in a whole host of fields.

In May 2014, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani in a meeting with Armenian Foreign Minister Eduard Nalbandian called for the expansion of trade ties with Armenia, saying the private sectors of the two countries can contribute to enhanced economic cooperation.