Hezbollah Official: Resistance Front's New Gains in Syria to Affect Regional Equations

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Lebanese Hezbollah Resistance Movement's second-in-command, Sheikh Naim Qassem, hailed as "historic" the recent gains by the Syrian army and Hezbollah forces in the fight against foreign-backed terrorists in the Lebanese-Syrian border region of Qalamoun.

"The Islamic Resistance fighters have made a great and historic achievement in the heights of Arsal and Qalamoun with the cooperation of the Arab army of Syria," Sheikh Qassem said in a speech on Sunday.

"…everyone will later realize how this achievement will affect the political equations of the region," Sheikh Qassem was quoted by the Arabic-language Al-Ahed News website as saying.

Earlier this month, the Syrian army backed by fighters from Hezbollah made significant gains and tightened the noose around the al-Qaeda-linked terrorist group al-Nusra Front near the Syrian town of Flitah in Qalamoun.

The joint forces managed to retake control of a number of hilltops overlooking the border, inflicting heavy losses on the terrorists in the region.

Syria has been gripped by civil war since March 2011 with Takfiri terrorists currently controlling parts of it, mostly in the east.

The US and its regional allies have been supporting the militants operating inside Syria for more than four years.