Syrian Interior Minister Due in Tehran Soon

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Syrian Interior Minister Mohammad Ibrahim al-Shaar plans to pay an official visit to the Iranian capital of Tehran later this week to hold talks on a range of issues, including Tehran-Damascus relations.

Major General Shaar will travel to Tehran on the weekend, Babak Dinparast, the head of information and international affairs department of the Iranian Interior Ministry, said on Monday.

During his visit, the Syrian minister will meet with Iranian Interior Minister Abdolreza Rahmani Fazli and exchange views about the latest developments in the Middle East region.

They will also discuss ways to boost ties and develop cooperation between Iran and Syria.

Syria has been gripped by civil war since March 2011 with Takfiri terrorists from the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) currently controlling parts of it, mostly in the east.

According to the United Nations, more than 220,000 people have been killed and one million wounded during the conflict.

In the meantime, Iran has remained a close ally of Syria and supports its legitimate government in the face of foreign-backed militancy.

Earlier on June 2, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani hailed the resistance of the Syrian government and people against foreign-backed terrorist groups in the Arab country, saying that Tehran is determined to side with Damascus to the end of the crisis.