Ayatollah Khamenei Warns of Western Plots to Disrupt Iraq's Unity

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei cautioned against plots hatched by the Western intelligence services to undermine the unity of Iraq.

One of the objectives the security and intelligence services of Western countries pursue is to destroy the pillars of national and political unity in Iraq, Ayatollah Khamenei said in a meeting with Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, held in Tehran on Wednesday.

Imam Khamenei underscored the need for vigilantly and carefully standing against such a plot and divisive attempt and not allowing the unity among Iraq’s Shiites, Sunnis, Kurds and Arabs to be damaged.

The Leader referred to the US conspiracies against Iraq, saying that the Americans seek to plunder Iraq's wealth and impose their demands on the Arab country.

Ayatollah Khamenei further reaffirmed Iran's continued support for the Iraqi government and nation.

The Supreme Leader then highlighted the major role of the Iraqi volunteer popular forces, saying their great potentials can effectively contribute to the "future and development of Iraq in different arenas."

Ayatollah Khamenei said the Iraqi nation and government's resistance to terrorism would help to provide security for other regional countries as well.

"One of the main characteristics of the Iraqi people, which came to light more than before in the battle against terrorists, is the courage, resolve and power of the popular volunteer and the brave nomadic forces in the face of enemies," the Leader added.

Abadi, for his part, hailed Iran's continued support for Iraq as a sign of deep ties between Tehran and Baghdad.

He said the enemies of Iraq are doing their utmost to create sectarian and religious strife in the Arab country. However, he stressed, the Iraqi nation and government are determined to thwart such plots and maintain unity.

Abadi arrived in Tehran on Wednesday in his second visit to Iran as Iraq's prime minister.