Not All Economic Woes to Be Resolved Once Sanctions End: Iranian Minister

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran's Minister of Economic Affairs and Finance Ali Tayyebnia played down expectations that termination of anti-Iran sanctions under a possible nuclear deal with world powers would resolve the country's economic problems entirely.

"Not all the economic problems will be resolved with the removal of the sanctions," Tayyebnia told Tasnim on Sunday when asked if he could give any assurance that an end to the sanctions would help the economy.

He said the economic problems existed even before the imposition of the Western sanctions on Iran, so one should not expect all of the problems addressed once the embargoes are lifted.

Tayyebnia, nonetheless, said that the removal of the sanctions "will definitely help us settle the economic problems more easily and faster."

His comments came while Iran and the Group 5+1 (Russia, China, the US, Britain, France and Germany) are negotiating to hammer out a lasting accord that would end more than a decade of impasse over Tehran's civilian nuclear program.

The long-awaited deal is also expected to put an end to the anti-Iran sanctions that have obstructed Iran’s trade with the world.

On April 2, Iran and the six nations reached a framework nuclear agreement in Lausanne, Switzerland, with both sides committed to push for a final deal until the end of June.