Yemeni Forces Launch Missiles at Saudi Military Bases

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Yemeni forces carried out retaliatory attacks against Saudi military bases, located in the kingdom's Najran province.

Yemen’s Ansarullah fighters and allied army units launched missile attacks on three Saudi military bases on the southwestern border province early on Monday.  

Such attacks are launched in retaliation for Saudi Arabia’s merciless airstrikes, according to Yemeni forces.

Meanwhile, Saudi warplanes pounded a construction company in the Harad district in the northwestern Hajjah province. Air raids were also carried on the Dar Sa’d and Khur Maksar towns in the Aden province.

Saudi jets also carried out raids in the northwestern province of Sa'ada, where three children were killed after a residential neighborhood and two schools were bombarded on Sunday, Press TV reported.

The main objectives of Saudi Arabia’s ongoing war are to weaken the Ansarullah movement and restore power to fugitive former president, Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi.

Based on UN reports, more than 2,600 Yemeni people have been killed and at least 11,000 others injured in the attacks, which are carried out without a UN mandate.