Iran, China to Boost Economic Cooperation

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran's Minister of Economic Affairs and Finance Ali Tayyebnia and his Chinese counterpart, Lou Jiwei, explored avenues for promotion of mutual cooperation between the two Asian countries in diverse economic areas.

Speaking to reporters after the meeting held in Beijing on Monday, Tayyebnia descried Iran-China relations as friendly, saying that the two sides have good cooperation in various fields and the meeting was an emphasis on further cooperation in the area of economy.

He said that at the meeting, the Chinese minister voiced his country's willingness to expand trade ties with Iran.

China is Iran's largest oil client and the value of bilateral trade between the two countries have reached $47.5 billion from January to November 2014, showing a 36 percent rise, compared with the figure in 2013.

The two countries also share views in many international and regional issues.

Tayyebnia has made the trip to China to sign the articles of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), a new international financial institution set to rival the World Bank and Asian Development Bank.

Representatives from 50 countries signed the articles that determine each member's share and the bank's initial capital.