PMD Report on Iran Could Come by Year-End: Amano

VIENNA (Tasnim) – The International Atomic Energy Agency can issue a report on the possible military dimensions (PMD) in Iran's nuclear energy program by the end of the year, IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano said on Saturday.

"With cooperation from Iran, I think we can issue a report by the end of the year on the assessment of the clarification of the issues related to the possible military dimensions," Amano told reporters in Vienna on Saturday.

There are speculations that an end to the allegations of PMD in Iran's civilian nuclear program will be a condition for easing some sanctions on Tehran if Iran and the Group 5+1 (Russia, China, the US, Britain, France and Germany) reach a comprehensive nuclear deal.

Amano paid a one-day visit to Iran on Thursday and met with President Hassan Rouhani.

"The purpose of the visit was to advance work towards the resolution of all outstanding issues regarding Iran's nuclear programme, including clarification of possible military dimensions," he said in a statement after the trip to Iran.

Amano's visit came amid marathon talks between Iran and the six world powers, underway in Vienna, with the purposes of striking a lasting agreement on Tehran's nuclear energy program.