Top Iranian Official Urges US to Act Wisely on Nuclear Issue

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The US had better exercise logic and push for a final deal over Iran's peaceful nuclear program, Secretary of Iran's Expediency Council Mohsen Rezaee said, noting that Tehran has considered scenarios to respond to any hostile military action or tougher sanctions.

The US has "no choice but to finish the (nuclear) negotiations rationally", Rezaee said in a television talk show on Saturday night.

"Americans have no option except negotiation and agreement with Iran," he underlined.

Rezaee also criticized the US for putting forward irrelevant issues in the course of the nuclear talks, such as the notion of restricting Iran's missile capabilities, which he said is among Iran's red lines and could never be negotiated.

He urged the Americans to seize the opportunity of negotiating with Iran and the flexibility Tehran has shown, otherwise, they would have to expect 100,000 centrifuge machines in Iran.

Rezaee further dismissed the idea of military action against Iran and highlighted the futility of any more sanctions, saying Iran will react to the possible further sanctions as it deems fit.

While Iran and the Group 5+1 (Russia, China, the US, Britain, France and Germany) have given themselves until Monday to reach a lasting deal over Tehran’s nuclear program, Iranian diplomats say certain parties are throwing up new stumbling blocks to an accord.

Back on Friday, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said the talks had been hindered after certain parties started to change positions and make excessive demands.

"Unfortunately, we are witnessing both shifts in the positions and excessive demands, and we are also witnessing that a number of countries in the (Group) 5+1 have different stances, and this has made the situation difficult," Zarif said.