No Iran Nuclear Deal Sooner than Monday Evening: Source

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A source close to the Iranian team of negotiators engaged in nuclear talks with world powers said a long-awaited final deal should not be expected any time sooner than the evening of Monday, July 13, Sputnik reported.

Sputnik on Sunday quoted the source as saying that the Iranian delegation believes the final, comprehensive nuclear agreement will be reached, but did not expect this to happen before Monday evening.

The Russian news agency also quoted a source in one of the Western delegations as saying that Monday will be the last day of the marathon negotiations, regardless of the outcome of the talks.

“The talks will conclude with the signing of a comprehensive agreement on Iranian nuclear program. This will happen on Monday evening at the earliest,” the source said.

Iran and the Group 5+1 (Russia, China, the US, Britain, France and Germany) have given themselves until Monday to reach a final deal over Tehran’s nuclear program.

An initial self-imposed deadline of June 30 for the final accord has been extended three times in the past two weeks.