Nuclear Conclusion to Benefit Iran’s Neighbors: Rouhani

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani said the recent conclusion of nuclear talks between Tehran and world powers will benefit regional countries, Pakistan in particular.

In a Saturday phone conversation with his Pakistani counterpart Mamnoon Hussain, Rouhani offered his congratulations on Eid al-Fitr, and hailed the recent nuclear conclusion reached between Iran and the Group 5+1 (Russia, China, US, Britain, France, and Germany).

The agreement will be to the benefit of Iran’s neighbors and the region, and would reinforce economic ties, the Iranian president said.

Rouhani further noted that the conclusion of nuclear talks has paved the way for the increase of trade volume between Tehran and Islamabad.

“We should try to extend the volume of trade exchanges between the two countries to more than $5 billion per year,” he added, referring to the extensive capacities of Iran and Pakistan for the expansion of their economic ties.

Hussain, for his part, congratulated Rouhani on Eid al-Fitr, and expressed his pleasure with the nuclear conclusion reached in the Austrian capital of Vienna.

The deal is not only to the benefit of the two countries’ interests, but also in favor of the entire region, he said.

He further urged all-out promotion of Tehran-Islamabad ties, saying that the nuclear conclusion would give Iran the opportunity for accelerated economic development.

The remarks came as Iran and the Group 5+1 (also known as P5+1 and E3+3) on July 14 concluded more than two weeks of intensive talks in Vienna.

The negotiations resulted in a conclusion over the text of a comprehensive 159-page deal on Iran’s peaceful nuclear program, after 22 months of talks.