Malaysian Envoy Highlights Consolidating Role of Quran Competitions

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Malaysia’s Ambassador to Iran Raja Nushirwan Zainal Abidin said that international Quran competitions can reinforce unity and solidarity among Muslim people.

International Holy Quran competitions and the attendance of representatives from different countries and religions can pave the ground for the promotion of unity among the Islamic Ummah (community), Zainal Abidin said.

He made the remarks in a Sunday interview with the Tasnim News Agency in the Iranian capital of Tehran.

“Reciting Quran and getting familiar with its teachings are key to the establishment of unity among the Islamic Ummah,” he reiterated.

His remarks came after Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei on Saturday described unity as the only solution to the problems the Muslims are facing, saying the “arrogant powers” have created religious wars in the Islamic countries to divert attention from the fight against Israel.     

“The current division and differences in the region are artificial and imposed (phenomenon), and the Islamic world’s clerics, intelligentsia, state officials, politicians and elites should be aware of the role of traitors to the Islamic Ummah in these divisions and differences,” Ayatollah Khamenei said.