Russia Provides Sufficient Support to Syria in Countering ISIL: Ambassador

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Russia is doing a lot to increase the combat readiness of the Syrian Army to fight ISIL terrorists, Russia’s Ambassador to Syria Alexander Kinshchak said.

"I think that we are anyway doing a lot to raise the level of combat readiness of the Syrian Army. In particular, we sometimes help [them] with advice when it is necessary," Sputnik cited  on Wednesday Alexander Kinshchak as saying in an interview with RIA Novosti.

It is in Russia’s interest to support Syria in the fight against terrorism, he added.

"If we do not want terrorists to win in Syria, with all the subsequent outcomes for countries in the region, especially since these consequences will spill out far beyond the region, it means that it is necessary to help the Syrian government in this war," Kinshchak stated.

In late June, Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed his confidence that Syria will ultimately be victorious in the fight against terrorism and reiterated his support for the country.

ISIL is a terrorist group in control of vast territories across Iraq and Syria. The group is also attempting to branch out to other countries in the region.

The Syrian government has been fighting ISIL terrorists on the ground to curb the group's advance. A US-led coalition has been conducting airstrikes against ISIL positions in Syria and Iraq. The strikes are being carried out without permission from Damascus.