Scrutiny of JCPOA in Progress: Iranian MP

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – An Iranian lawmaker said the finalized text of a lasting nuclear deal between Tehran and world powers is being examined by the MPs, noting that results of the studies would be made public whenever deemed necessary by the legislature.

Nozar Shafiei, rapporteur of the parliament's national security and foreign policy commission, told Tasnim on Thursday that members of the commission are scrutinizing provisions of the 159-page nuclear deal concluded between Iran and six world powers, dubbed the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

He said that members of a planned "special commission" for reviewing the JCPOA have not been elected yet, but added that it has not prevented the national security and foreign policy commission members from studying the document in detail.

"Whenever the parliament deems necessary, we will release the results of our studies," Shafiei added.

Back on July 21, the MPs decided to establish a special commission to study the final nuclear deal between Iran and the Group 5+1 (Russia, China, the US, Britain, France and Germany).

Iran and the six powers on July 14 finalized the text of a lasting nuclear agreement. The JCPOA has subjected the parties to comply with a series of commitments, resulting in the termination of sanctions on Iran in exchange for certain restrictions on Tehran’s nuclear program during a defined period of time.

While the United Nations Security Council adopted a resolution afterwards to endorse the deal, the text of the document needs to be ratified by both Iran's Parliament and the US Congress.