Official Urges Well-Devised Plan to Protect Iran’s Nuclear Achievements

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A top Iranian official called on the country’s decision-making bodies, the parliament in particular, to prevent the finalized text of a nuclear deal between Tehran and world powers from hampering the country’s nuclear technology and progress.

Speaking to the Tasnim News Agency, Chief of the Iranian Judiciary’s Human Rights Council Mohammad Javad Larijani called for an Iranian fact sheet on the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), a lasting nuclear deal between Iran and the Group 5+1 (Russia, China, the US, Britain, France and Germany) whose text was finalized in Vienna on July 14.

He emphasized that measures should be taken to block the way for any abuse of the Vienna nuclear deal after it comes into force.

On the enrichment of uranium, Larijani said the parliament should adopt a measure prohibiting any waste of the country’s natural resources, including enriched uranium.

To that end, he added, Iran should halt enriching uranium for a period of time after the JCPOA takes effect, because continuation of that process with an allowed stockpile of only 300 kg of enriched uranium would spell turning the country’s natural resources into “garbage” at its own hands.

Larijani also criticized the idea of turning Iran’s underground nuclear facility in Fordow into a simple research center, saying “it would be unwise to change a center 80 meters deep in the ground into a laboratory.”

He slammed the plan as a Western-engineered ploy to make all Iran’s nuclear facilities “easy targets” in case of military action against the country.

While the text of one lasting nuclear deal between Iran and the six powers needs to be ratified by both Iran's Parliament and the US Congress, diplomats have already made it clear that the document could be either endorsed or rejected, and no amendment or revision could take place.