Iran’s Vice-President Blasts UNSC’s Inaction on Crisis in Yemen

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian First Vice-President Eshaq Jahangiri underlined the necessity for finding a negotiated solution to the crisis in Yemen, and lashed out at UN Security Council for its inaction to end the catastrophic conditions in the Arab country.

Speaking at a meeting with Peter Maurer, the chairman of the International Committee of the Red Cross, Jahangiri said Yemeni women and children are now facing with a hard conditions.

“The UN Security Council could have played a more effective role to prevent complicated and catastrophic conditions in Yemen,” he added.

He said the Yemen crisis can only be resolved through political means and dialogue among various Yemeni groups.

He stated the formation of the terrorist groups is one of the main problems of the region and the world.

Jahangiri further stressed the need for stronger role of the ICRC in forwarding humanitarian aids for the oppressed Yemeni nation.

“The Islamic Republic of Iran is prepared to increase its humanitarian aid to Yemen by the ICRC,” he reiterated.

At the meeting, Maurer thanked Iran’s productive cooperation with the ICRC, and said, “We are eager to expand cooperation with Iran and to that end we had talks with Iran’s Red Crescent Society for strengthening strategic cooperation.”

He further supported Iranian vice-president's call for political Yemeni-Yemeni solution to the crisis in the Arab country.