Nasrallah: Washington Using ISIL to Stir Division in Region

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Secretary-General of the Lebanese Hezbollah Resistance Movement Seyed Hassan Nasrallah questioned the US seriousness in the war against terrorist groups, adding that Washington is using Takfiri terrorists to fulfill its divisive objectives.

“The US is using ISIL (the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant) to divide the region,” Nasrallah said, addressing a large group of people on the occasion of the anniversary of Lebanon’s victory over Israeli in 2006 summer war.

Washington was not serious in its counterterrorism efforts, he said, adding the US is aiming to draw a new map of the Middle East.

As regards Syria, Nasrallah said the US supporting terrorist groups in Syria to overthrow the government.

And in Iraq, the Hezbollah chief said, the US is not fulfilling the commitments it had made to the Iraqi government.

"The real project is the division of Iraq, Syria, the region and even Saudi Arabia,” he said, insisting that this is what the US and its Israeli allies want.

He hailed the 2006 victory of the Lebanese resistance movement over Israel, and said the Israeli army would achieve no victory in Lebanon should it launch a new invasion.

"Every location on Lebanese territory will be reinforced and secured, in a manner that will destroy any Israeli tank that attempts to infiltrate Lebanon," Nasrallah said.

About 1,200 Lebanese, most of them civilians, were killed in the Israeli war on Lebanon in the summer of 2006. However, Hezbollah fighters defeated the Israeli military, forcing Tel Aviv to retreat without achieving any of its objectives.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Nasrallah urged rival factions in Lebanon to return to dialogue, and called on the Lebanese to stop talking about coexistence, but instead to start working toward achieving it.

He said that the only guarantee against domestic division was a representative government that respects “true partnership” and enjoys the “confidence and trust” of all the country’s citizens.