Lebanon Indicts 11 over Terror-Related Charges

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Lebanon Military Investigative Judge Fadi Sawwan on Monday issued eight indictments against 11 individuals over terror-related charges, including forming armed cells to carry out attacks.

The indictment also accused the men of murder and attempted murder of Lebanese soldiers during duty in the northern city of Tripoli as well as acts of sabotage and possession of weapons and explosives, The Daily Star reported.

A judicial source said among the indicted men was Amir Mansour, the brother of Osama Mansour who was killed in April by police as he tried to escape arrest. He had been sentenced to death in absentia over an August 2014 attack in the northern city.

The other suspects included eight Syrians and three Lebanese.

They could face the death penalty if convicted.

Last October, the Lebanese Army seized the headquarters of militant commander Shadi Mawlawi after four days of clashes that left 42 people dead and some 100 wounded. The stronghold had been manned by Mawlawi and his partner Osama Mansour, militant commanders reportedly linked to the Al-Qaeda affiliate Nusra Front.