Leader Urges Vigilance against Enemy’s Attempts to Infiltrate Iran

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei renewed the call for increased alertness of Iranian people and officials in the face of the plots hatched by the enemies for “complicated and gradual” infiltration into Iran.

Vigilance against the enemy’s attempts to find a way into Iran via a complicated and gradual plot is an absolute necessity, Imam Khamenei said on Wednesday, in a meeting with President Hassan Rouhani and his cabinet members in Tehran.

The Leader called on the Iranian officials to keep explicitly adopting “revolutionary stances” towards the adversaries in all circumstances.

When it comes to encountering the enemies, the Revolution’s stances and the principles of late founder of the Islamic Republic Imam Khomeini’s doctrine should be manifested outspokenly and without any fear or inhibition, the Leader explained.

Ayatollah Khamenei further referred to the possibility of overlooking the enemy’s ill-intentions as a source of concern.

“Since the beginning of the (Islamic) Revolution, the enmity of Zionists and Americans towards the Revolution and the Islamic Republic has not subsided and the (Iranian) officials should by no means make light of such a fact,” Imam Khamenei warned.

The Leader also cautioned against the enemies’ new schemes to do harm to Iran, stressing that all Iranian “political, economic and cultural” officials should be alert not to fall trap to the hostile plots or help the enemy, either intentionally or unintentionally, to carry out its plans.

Elsewhere in the comments, the Supreme Leader hailed the achievements of President Rouhani’s administration over the past two years, such as the efforts to curb inflation, the health reform plan, planning for continued scientific progress and water management projects.

As regards the conclusion of nuclear talks between Iran and the Group 5+1 (Russia, China, the US, Britain, France and Germany), Ayatollah Khamenei noted, “Concluding the nuclear negotiations is one of the very important measures that has been taken, and we hope for the settlement of issues and problems” that may exist in this regard.

Iran and the Group 5+1(also known as the P5+1 or E3+3) on July 14 reached a conclusion on a lasting nuclear agreement that would terminate all sanctions imposed on Tehran over its nuclear energy program after coming into force.

While many consider the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) a major breakthrough in the improvement of ties between Iran and the West, the Leader has already made it clear that Tehran’s policy toward the US will remain unchanged regardless of the ultimate fate of the JCPOA.