US Considered Using Nukes against Afghanistan after 9/11: Report

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - The United States considered using nuclear weapons against Afghanistan in response to the 9/11 attacks, according to German publication Der Spiegel.

The option to use nuclear weapons in response to the attacks was reportedly confirmed by political advisor to then-German Chancellor Gerhard Schroder, Afghanistan-based Khaama Press reported on Saturday.

Michael Steiner, a former political adviser to Germany’s then-Chancellor told Der Spiegel that the nuclear option was one of the possibilities examined after the attacks.

“They had really played through all possibilities,” Steiner said, adding that Schroder had feared that the US, which was in a state of shock following the attacks, would overreact.

US officilas claim that the attacks which left nearly 3,000 people dead were carried out by al-Qaeda terrorists, yet many experts have cast doubts on the official account.   

Steiner further added that Schroder rejected his idea to publish a statement declaring “unconditional support” for the United States.

According to the newspaper, Schroder also rejected to join the US-led coalition in the military action against Iraq in 2003 which further intensified tensions between him and the US President George Bush.