Latin America High on Iran’s Foreign Policy Agenda: Deputy FM

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister for American and European Affairs Majid Takht Ravanchi on Sunday expressed the country’s resolve to expand its ties with Latin American countries, Bolivia in particular.

“The Islamic Republic of Iran considers interaction with Latin American countries in different fields as a priority,” Takht Ravanchi said in a meeting in Tehran with Bolivian Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs Juan Carlos Alurralde.

Alurralde, for his part, expressed his country’s support for Iran’s right to peaceful nuclear technology, and expressed the hope that a recent nuclear deal reached between Iran and world powers would be implemented as soon as possible.

The Bolivian diplomat further hailed Tehran’s capabilities in dam construction and irrigation projects, and urged Iran to build small and medium-sized dams in Bolivia for agriculture, aquaculture, and power production purposes.

He also conferred with the Iranian official on the possibility of developing mutual cooperation in the field of medicine and medical equipment.

The two sides also exchanged views on the West’s double-standard policies on human rights, misuse of counter-narcotics fight, and the ineffective and ambiguous policies of certain Western states in the fight against terrorism.

Alurralde is in the Iranian capital to attend the third round of Iran-Bolivia political consultations.