Iran, Netherlands Eye Agricultural Research Cooperation

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran and the Netherlands are going to formulate a roadmap on cooperation in agricultural research projects.

The decision to launch joint research programs between Tehran and Amsterdam in agriculture was put forward in a meeting between Hooman Fathi, a ranking official at Iran’s Agriculture Ministry and new Dutch ambassador to Iran, Susanna Terstal.

Based on the arrangements, an expert delegation from the Netherlands’ Wageningen University and Research Center will travel to Iran in October to prepare the roadmap.

During the meeting, Fathi voiced Iran’s willingness to boost exports of agricultural products and medicinal plants to the Netherlands, expand cooperation with the European country in greenhouse industry, and make joint investment with Dutch companies in agriculture.

Terstal, for her part, emphasized the necessity for technical cooperation and exchange of academic delegations between the two countries.

She also invited Iran to attend a regional meeting of the Global Research Alliance (GRA) on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases, due to be held in Turkey’s Izmir.

The Netherlands is the world’s second biggest exporter of agricultural products. It exports €65 billion worth of vegetables, fruit, flowers, meat and dairy products each year. This is 17.5% of total Dutch exports. One quarter goes to its largest trade partner, Germany. Accounting for 10% of the Dutch economy and employment, the agricultural and horticultural sectors play a crucial role, according to the Ministry of Economic Affairs of the Netherlands.