Iran Duty-Bound to Support Syrian Nation, Gov’t: Larijani

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Speaker of Iran's Parliament Ali Larijani reiterated Iran’s continued support for Syria, adding that pursuing a political solution is the only way out of the crisis in the war-hit country.

“The Islamic Republic of Iran is duty-bound to support the Syrian government and nation until grounds are provided in the country for talks and peace,” Larijani said in a Tuesday meeting with his Syrian counterpart in New York, United States.

Bestowing the key to the Middle East upon terrorists is not at all a solution to the Syrian crisis, Larijani emphasized, reiterating the need for the political resolution of the issue.

Syrian Parliament Speaker Mohammad Jihad al-Laham, for his part, appreciated Tehran’s firm stances in supporting the Arab country, and deplored the Inter-Parliamentary Union’s inaction on terrorism.

Most parliament speakers have been focusing their speeches during the ongoing IPU summit on the issue of sustainable development, as if there are no terrorists in the world, he added.

Laham further regretted that UN special envoys and mediators do not observe the neutrality principle on the Syrian crisis, saying, “Everyone talks about peace, but when it comes to priorities, they do not act what they say.”

Larijani is in New York attending the fourth World Conference of Speakers of Parliament, where he delivered a speech on Monday.

The Fourth World Conference of Speakers of Parliament is being held at United Nations Headquarters in New York and will finish work on Wednesday.

About 180 parliamentary leaders, including more than 35 Deputy Speakers, from nearly 140 countries taking part in the Fourth edition of the conference examine ways to effectively tackle global challenges to peace and democracy.

The Conference is part of the series of high-level meetings leading up to the UN Summit in late September 2015, at which the new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will be launched.