Ecuador’s Parliamentary Delegation Due in Iran on Weekend

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A parliamentary delegation from the Latin American country of Ecuador will arrive in the Iranian capital city of Tehran on Sunday, September 6, to hold talks with Iranian officials.

The delegation includes board members of the Iran-Ecuador Parliamentary Friendship Group as well as the head of the South American country’s culture and technology parliamentary commission.

The visit will come at the invitation of Hamid Reza Fooladgar, the head of the joint parliamentary friendship group.

During their stay in Tehran, the delegation members are scheduled to hold meetings with Fooladgar, Vice-Speaker of Iranian Parliament Mohammad Hassan Abutorabifard, and a number of other officials.

The two sides will discuss a variety of issues including parliamentary ties between Tehran and Quito.

Back in October 2014, Chairman of the Iranian Parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission Alaeddin Boroujerdi discussed a range of issues with the speaker of Ecuador’s parliament in Quito.

The promotion of all-out cooperation with the Latin American countries has been among the top priorities of the Islamic Republic's foreign policy over the past few years.

In September 2013 and less than a month after taking the office, President Hassan Rouhani stressed Tehran’s willingness to boost cooperation between Iran and Latin America.