Obama Secures 34 Senators’ Support for Iran Deal

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – US President Barack Obama secured a landmark foreign policy victory Wednesday as Senate Democrats amassed enough votes to ensure the Iran nuclear deal survives in Congress, despite ferocious opposition from Republicans and Israel.

Democratic Sen. Barbara Mikulski of Maryland became the crucial 34th vote in favor of the agreement.

In a statement, she called the accord "the best option available to block Iran from having a nuclear bomb. For these reasons, I will vote in favor of this deal."

The backing from Mikulski, who is retiring next year, gives supporters the margin they need to uphold an Obama veto of a congressional resolution of disapproval if Republicans pass such a measure later this month.

And it spells failure for opponents of the international agreement who sought to foil it by turning Congress against it. Leading that effort were Israel and its allies in the US, who failed to get traction after spending millions of dollars trying.

The agreement signed by Iran, the US and five other world powers limits Iran's nuclear program in exchange for hundreds of billions of dollars in relief from international sanctions.

Republicans and Israeli officials contend that concessions made to Iran could enable the country to wreak havoc throughout the Middle East.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who had personally lobbied US lawmakers to block the nuclear pact, will continue fighting the agreement, an Israeli official said, AP reported.

Marshall Wittmann, spokesman for the pro-Israel lobby AIPAC, said his group also would continue rallying opposition to the nuclear agreement.