Iran to Build Dams in Oman: Minister

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s Energy Minister Hamid Chitchian on Tuesday said the country plans to boost economic cooperation with neighboring Oman in various fields, including constriction of dams.

Speaking to reporters after a meeting with Omani Minster of Regional Municipalities and Water Resources Ahmad bin Abdallah bin Muhammad al-Shuhi in Tehran, Chitchian said the two countries’ ministries will establish a joint expert committee in the near future to explore avenues for closer cooperation in diverse areas.

He stated that the joint committee will make arrangements for the presence of Iranian companies in Oman to build dams.

Chitchian said it was agreed in his meeting with the Omani minister that Iranian companies start their work to construct dams in Oman.

He went on to say that most of the issues discussed with the Omani side concerned the management of water resources and studies in this area.