US Push for Normal Ties with Iran A Trojan Horse for Infiltration: Cleric

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A senior Iranian cleric on Friday categorically dismissed the idea of normalization of tie with the US, warning that Washington seeks to regain a foothold in Iran and carry out its unchanged, hostile policies in disguise.

“The world and the (Iranian) parliamentarians should know that the US dreams about normalization of ties with Iran as a scheme to infiltrate into the country and implement… the policy of hostility towards Iran and Islam under the guise of smiles,” Ayatollah Mohammad Ali Movahedi Kermani told a huge gathering of worshippers here in Tehran.

The cleric underscored that Washington’s dream of compromise with Iran and a regime change in the Islamic Republic will never come true.

The US has not changed a bit, Ayatollah Movahedi Kermani noted, saying America is still an enemy of Islam and still supports Islam’s foes and pursues the policy of bullying.

What will remain in place is the divine establishment of the Islamic Republic of Iran, while what is going to be destroyed is the Zionist regime of Israel, the top cleric added, stressing that dissolution of Israel will definitely happen in future.

In relevant comments on Wednesday, Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei said US hostility towards the Iranian nation will never end, calling for Iran’s increasing “national might” to fight off US plots.

Ayatollah Khamenei said an example of Washington’s unrelenting hostility towards the Iranian nation is that they began to think of plots in the Congress to put obstacles in the way of Iran after finalization of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), whose fate the Leader said is still unclear in Iran and the US.

The Leader also slammed Israel as a fake regime, saying some Zionists have described the conclusion of talks on Iran’s nuclear program as something that has eased Tel Aviv’s concerns about the Islamic Republic for 25 years.

“But we tell them (the Zionists) that you will basically not witness 25 years later, and by God’s grace, nothing called the Zionist regime will exist in the region,” added the Leader.