Saudi-Led Air Raids Kill 10 Civilians in Yemen

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Ten civilians were killed and several others injured when Saudi-led airstrikes hit residential buildings in Yemen's capital Sana'a on Thursday, a medical official told Xinhua.

"A house of a top Houthi commander was bombed by Saudi-led airstrikes in al-Jiraf district of Sana'a, killing about 10 civilians who were gathering nearby and injuring several others," the medical official in Sana'a said on condition of anonymity.

Witnesses said the airstrikes hit Ibrahim Al-Shami's house in northern Sana'a which is located in a densely populated area.

On Wednesday night, the Saudi-led coalition started airstrikes targeting houses of Houthi leaders and officials loyal to former President Ali Abdullah Saleh.

Local residents said several airstrikes were launched just a few hours after scores of people were gathering to help victims under rubble.

In Yemen's southern province of Taiz, the coalition intensified air bombings against Houthi-controlled military sites. Earlier in the day, Houthi fighters and forces loyal to fugitive former president Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi started battles near the presidential palace in Taiz city, the provincial capital, leaving several people killed from both sides.

Saudi Arabia, Spearheading a coalition of nine Arab countries, launched a military strike against the already impoverished Yemen in March, in a bid to restore power to Mansur Hadi, a staunch ally of the Kingdom, who was pushed from power after Houthis took control of Sana'a.

Saudi-led military campaign has taken a crushing toll on residents in Yemen, killing more than 4500 people, most of them civilians.