Amnesty Calls for UN Inquiry into Yemen's Conflict

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The United Nations should investigate violations of international humanitarian law committed by all sides in Yemen's civil war, Amnesty International said on Friday, six months after the start of a Saudi military campaign against the impoverished country.

"The organization is urging the creation of a UN Commission of Inquiry into violations and abuses committed by all parties to the Yemen conflict, at the current Human Rights Council session in Geneva which concludes on 2 October," Amnesty said, Reuters said.

“With no end to this deadly conflict in sight and a spiraling humanitarian crisis, civilian suffering is at an all-time high.”

Amnesty said that the vast majority of civilian casualties have been caused by the Saudi-led coalition and accused the Arab forces of using cluster bombs, which are banned by most countries.

The Saudi-led warplanes bombed two houses in the capital Sana’a on Tuesday, killing at least 20 people, a day after similar raids killed around 50 people.

Saba news agency said at least 236 people have been killed in airstrikes since last week.