Hezbollah: Russian Airstrikes in Syria Will Bolster Resistance

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Russia’s bombing campaign against ISIL militants in Syria will bolster the resistance alliance against Takfiri groups, a senior Hezbollah official said Sunday.

“The Russian airstrikes in Syria will strengthen the power of the resistance axis in confronting the takfiri project,” Sheikh Nabil Qaouk, deputy head of Hezbollah’s Executive Council, told a memorial ceremony in the southern town of Salaa, attended by Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs Mohammad Fneish. He was referring to the anti-Israel alliance which includes Syria, Iran and Hezbollah, The Daily Star reported on Monday.

“The anti-resistance countries and axis have miscalculated. They had thought that it was a matter of days before the equation in Syria changes. They had betted on changes following the Iranian nuclear agreement [with Western powers],” Qaouk said. “They were under the illusion that there would be deals at the expense of the resistant Syria, or at Hezbollah’s expense in Lebanon. But today they are in a state of shock and confusion because the equations being established in Syria today are entirely in favor of the resistance axis and project.”

Russian airstrikes against ISIL targets entered a fifth day Sunday. 

“The Russian strikes in Syria have exposed the false American campaign against takfiri terrorism,” Qaouk said, referring to the US-led coalition’s raids on ISIL targets in Iraq and Syria.

“America does not want to destroy Daesh (ISIL), nor does it want to finish the battle in Syria. Rather, it wants to prolong the crisis [in Syria] as well as the survival of Daesh and its affiliates in order to drain Syria, Iraq and the resistance. That’s why they [America and its allies] were greatly shocked by the steadfastness of the Syrian army and the stances of Hezbollah and Russia,” he added.

“The Russian strikes have presented America, Turkey and  (Persian) Gulf states with a real predicament and put them face-to-face with the fact of their adoption of takfiri gangs in Syria,” Qaouk said. “It is no longer a secret that some  (Persian) Gulf states, in addition to Turkey, are supporting the Nusra [Front], which is a branch of Al-Qaeda in Syria.”