Iran’s President Rouhani Due in France in Mid-November

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani is scheduled to pay an official visit to France this November.

Rouhani will visit Paris from November 16 to 18 for meeting with high-ranking French officials.

Earlier in September, French Prime Minister Manuel Valls had said that Rouhani has accepted an invitation by Paris to visit the European country.

French President Francois Hollande will host Rouhani in November, Valls told the French parliament at the time.

Late in September, President Rouhani and his French counterpart Hollande, in a meeting in New York, conferred on regional developments and the recent nuclear deal between Tehran and world powers as well as ways to promote mutual cooperation.

At the meeting held on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly session, Rouhani said a roadmap should be adopted for comprehensive development of the bilateral relations.

“Iran is ready to cooperate with France in transport, science, and modern technologies including the peaceful nuclear energy,” he stated.

On the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) reached between Iran and group of world powers, including France, on July 14, he added, “All parties have to carry out their undertakings so that the agreement will be put into operation and its foundations are fortified.”

Referring to common views of Iran and France on certain regional issues, President Rouhani said, “Both countries can strengthen their consultations on fighting against terrorism, and the establishment of peace and stability in Syria, Yemen and Lebanon.”

The French president, for his part, supported the nuclear deal between Iran and Group 5+1, and said, “All should focus their efforts on full implementation of the agreement.”

Referring to the visit of various trade delegations to Iran including a recent one by a French businessmen, he said, “We have to raise the Tehran-Paris ties to an acceptable level step by step. The French government is determined to develop the cooperation with Iran.”

“Iran is a major regional actor,” Hollande underlined, and added, “In the new era and considering its special stand, Iran can play a balancing role in the region.”

He expressed the hope that during President Rouhani's upcoming visit to Paris, both sides can review ways of deepening of bilateral cooperation.

The two presidents also exchanged views on the situation in Syria, Yemen, and Lebanon.