Iran Committed to Engagement in World Sustainable Development: Envoy

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian envoy to the United Nations voiced Tehran’s commitment to the implementation of the 2020 Agenda for Sustainable Development, saying the country has designed its national policies based on the realization of sustainable development.

Addressing a Wednesday general debate at the UN in New York, the Iranian Ambassador and Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Gholamhossein Dehqani said Iran has designed its national policies on the basis of a balanced approach towards economic, social and environmental pillars of sustainable development.

The full text of his speech is as follows:

Mr. Chairman,
At the outset, I would like to congratulate you for assuming the Chairmanship of the Second Committee. We trust that through your leadership and guidance the Second Committee will carry out its work efficiently in order to conclude its work-plan in a speedy and successful manner.

I would also like to associate myself with the statement made by South Africa on behalf of the Group of 77 and China. Furthermore, I would also like to add a few points in my own national capacity.

Mr. Chairman,
Let me, before anything, touch upon the important issue of sustainable development and commend all those involved in the last two years of efforts to finalize the outcome document, 'Transforming our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.' Our dire complementary undertaking begins now. We believe that greater efforts are needed in the committee to reach our goals and targets.

The challenges ahead of us in this regard should be addressed collectively in a comprehensive and coordinated manner, especially through the United Nations System.

The Islamic Republic of Iran at the highest level participated in the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit, in September 2015. We are committed to engage constructively in its implementation of the Agenda at all national, regional and international levels. We have designed our national policies on the basis of a balanced approach towards economic, social and environmental pillars of sustainable development.

The multi-sectoral Iranian Committee on Sustainable Development, established in 1992, plays a pivotal role in advancing our national development agenda in line with the corresponding global agenda. The Islamic Republic of Iran welcomes and is determined to facilitate cooperation with the public and private sectors at the national, regional and International levels to intensify its national response to the global Agenda.

Mr. Chairman,
The West Asia region is not only facing hotter climate conditions and challenges of continued extensive drought, it is also grappling with the scourge of terrorism and extremists’ violence. Not only has terrorism and violence damaged the environment, but it has also taken sustainable development out of the agenda of countries, forcing them to expend their national resources on fighting insecurity.

Mr. Chairman,
The process of the past two years and the ensuing nuclear deal between Iran and the P5+1 has created conducive conditions for regional and international cooperation, including in the field of environmental preservation. We are eager to cooperate with our neighbors to promote regional sustainable development through active environmental diplomacy, constructive relations with other countries, transfer of technology and knowhow, and participation in joint scientific activities, in order to fulfill our responsibilities in building a more sustainable world immune from environmental threats.

Mr. Chairman,
The developing countries continue to face a number of development challenges originating mainly from global economic imbalances and downturns. For them, responding to the challenges of poverty, food insecurity, health, water scarcity and impacts of climate change remain a tall order. Hence, the eradication of poverty, the greatest challenge of our world, should continue to be the core objective of the Agenda.

In conclusion, to implement this truly transformative agenda, these ambitious objectives should be facilitated by more ambitious, fully inclusive and non-discriminatory provisions for implementation, particularly regarding the finance and transfer of technology and associated know-how towards achieving meaningful global partnership.