US-led Coalition Caused Terrorism to Spread: Iran Ex-Envoy

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Former Iranian Ambassador to Iraq Hassan Kazemi Qomi deplored the US-led coalition formed on the pretext of fighting against the Daesh (ISIL) terrorist group, saying the coalition has just exacerbated the wave of terrorism in the Middle East.

The US-led coalition not only failed to curb the activities of the Daesh terrorist group, but it actually caused the spread of terrorism in the region, Kazemi Qomi said in a televised interview with IRIB on Sunday night.

He further described the coalition as a “fake” one, saying the alliance was formed after Daesh failed to achieve its goals in the first three months of attacks in Iraq, during which time the global community, including the US, kept silent on the atrocities.

The Iranian diplomat also referred to the new regional cooperation against the terrorist group, saying that the regional states share concerns about the spread of terrorism.  

“The capacities of Iran, Iraq, and Syria, and the capabilities of Russia can be effective in eradicating terrorism,” he stressed.

“The Russian are witnessing today that terrorism poses security threats to them, and they know that Americans are not at all trustworthy,” Kazemi Qomi added.

Since late September, Russia has been carrying out bombings against the ISIL terrorist group in Syria, after Russia's parliament granted President Vladimir Putin authorization to deploy the country's air force abroad.

Reports suggest severe damages to the ISIL strongholds after Russia’s aerial attacks, something that lays bare the futility of a US-led military coalition against the militants in Syria after about a whole year.