Russian Jets Conduct 55 Sorties in Syria, Hit 53 ISIL Targets

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - The Russian Air Force has conducted 55 sorties in Syria targeting 53 ISIL facilities, the Russian Defense ministry said Monday.

Russian airstrikes have destroyed a stronghold of ISIL in the Syrian Salma and Latakia. Seven command centers, six training camps and six ammunition depots were also destroyed, the Defense Ministry spokesperson said.

“Russian air and space reconnaissance continues to pinpoint new objects 24 hours a day of the ISIL's terrorist infrastructure in the Syrian Arab Republic to be destroyed by Russian air groups,” Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov said at a briefing.

Russian Su-24M bomber jets have also destroyed ISIL transit center with underground shelter in Latakia.

"As a result of a pinpoint strike of Su-24M bombers near Salma settlement (Lattakia province), fragmentation air bombs destroyed a large ISIL transfer point with underground facilities and ammunition depots detected by means of space reconnaissance," Konashenkov said, "Detonation of munitions caused large fire. The object was completely destroyed."

An ISIL camp used as militant base for fighters coming from abroad was destroyed by Russian Aerospace Forces in Idlib, Sputnik News reported.

"Su-34 bombers attacked a militant camp located in the town of Mastumah, Idlib province. According to intelligence data, this camp was used by the ISIL group as a gathering point for militants arriving from foreign countries," ministry spokesman Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov told reporters.

Russian aviation has destroyed with KAB-500 guided bomb an underground command center of ISIL in the Syrian province of Hama, Konashenkov said.

"In the area of the Hamah province, a Su-24M bomber destroyed an ISIL underground command centre with a KAB-500 guided air bomb. The precision strike eliminated all the engineer facilities of terrorists."

In the Syrian province of Hama Russian airstrikes have destroyed ISIL motorcade with ammunitions and fuel. Three cars equipped with mortar guns and truck with ammunitions were also destroyed.

Konashenkov said that a considerable part of the ISIL’s weapons, munitions, and fuel depots for its military hardware has been destroyed by Russia’s precision airstrikes.

Russian Aerospace Forces have practically destroyed the ISIL’s material and technical support along the line of confrontation with the Syrian Army, Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Gen.-Maj. Igor Konashenkov said Monday.

Terrorists from ISIL have been desperately trying to send weapons and armaments from the Raqqa Province to the front line with the Syrian Army, he added.

“Over the last few days, terrorists have been making desperate attempts to send armaments, weapons, fuel, and technical equipment from the Raqqa Province to the front line with the Syrian Army,” Konashenkov said.

Russian Aerospace Forces have conducted scores of sorties in its nearly two-week air campaign in Syria, destroying ISIL facilities and equipment, and enabling Syrian government forces to liberate large areas from the militants.