Iraqi Army Liberates Major Baiji Oil Refinery from ISIL

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - The Iraqi army recaptured on Wednesday the country's largest oil refinery in the central city of Baiji, Salah al-Din province, from ISIL militants, an officer in counter-terrorist forces said.

On Tuesday, Iraqi Prime Minister Haider Abadi announced that the Iraqi Armed Forces had started the second phase of a military operation to liberate the central province of Salah al-Din from ISIL.

"The army units and fighters of people's militia managed to completely liberate Baiji oil refinery, there are no signs that some terrorists remain inside," Samir Shuvayli told Iraq's Alsumaria news network, Sputnik news reported.

ISIL has occupied territories in the Salah al-Din province since 2014. In March, the Iraqi army launched an anti-ISIL operation in the province, liberating several of its districts, including the regional capital of Tikrit.