Sudan Sends Ground Troops to Yemen

TEHRAN (Tasnim)- A battalion of Sudanese troops arrived in Yemen's southern port city of Aden, military officials said on Sunday, bolstering Saudi-led Arab forces trying to restore power to the country's fugitive former president, Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi.

A military source in Aden said that 300 Sudanese soldiers and officers arrived by sea on Saturday.

Their purpose was to "help maintain security for the city against the Houthis and Saleh," the source said, referring to former President Ali Abdullah Saleh, whose supporters have sided with the Houthis, Reuters reports.

Hadi escaped to Saudi Arabia as the Houthis advanced towards Aden in March and has since been back only for a brief visit.

Saudi-led coalition has not managed to restore security there. ISIL suicide bombers killed 15 people in attacks on the Yemeni government's headquarters and Arab coalition outposts in Aden on Oct. 6.

"Our troops in Yemen are ready to do their military task under the command of the alliance military leadership," Sudanese army spokesman Brigadier General Ahmed Khalifa Alshami said. "Sudan is committed to restore legitimacy in Yemen."

The Arab coalition says its aim is to restore the fugitive former government to power in Yemen. At least 5,400 people have died since it began an air offensive in March, most of them civilians.

The Arab coalition spokesman, Brigadier General Ahmed al-Assiri confirmed the arrival of the Sudanese troops to Arab television channels.

They will join contingents from the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Bahrain on the ground.