Palestine’s Islamic Jihad Says Will Respond to Israeli Atrocity in Hebron

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Palestinian movement Islamic Jihad said that it will not leave unanswered the recent crimes by Israeli regime in Hebron, West Bank, which claimed the lives of two Palestinian teenagers.

According to Palestine al-Youm new wesbite, an Islamic Jihad official said on Tuesday night that the movement will react to the slaughter of the two teenagers by Israeli forces.

A nation whose people have been martyred and made sacrifices would never accept that its children die in vain, the source added.

The Islamic Jihad representative further reaffirmed the Palestinian nation’s right to respond to the Israeli crimes and use any possible means to defend itself.

“This crime is the continuation of the terrorist aggressions led by Benjamin Netanyahu,” the source added.

The remarks came after Israeli forces shot and killed two Palestinian teenagers in Hebron’s Old City on Tuesday evening after an alleged stabbing attack at a military checkpoint.

The latest incident brings Tuesday's death toll to five Palestinians.

Earlier, a Palestinian was shot and killed in Beit Awwa after allegedly attempting to stab an Israeli soldier during a "violent riot," Israel's army said.

Later, Hamzeh Moussa al-Imla, 25, from Beit Ula north of Hebron, was shot and killed after injuring two Israelis in a car attack in the Gush Etzion settlement bloc, while Ahmad al-Sarhi, 27, was shot dead east of the al-Bureij refugee camp in Gaza following a demonstration.

Deputy head of the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, said last Saturday that a new Intifada had started following clashes on Gaza’s border earlier that day, in which Israeli forces shot dead seven Palestinians and injured more than 145 others.