Protest March Held in Washington against Racial Discrimination (+Photos)

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Dozens of people, including peace activists, staged a protest march in the US capital of Washington DC to voice their outrage over increased racial discrimination and police brutalities against people of color in the country.

According to Tasnim dispatches, the demonstrators carried placards reading "Stop the War on Black America", "Stop Police Racist Terror", and "Black Lives Matter".

Marching from the Congress Heights Metro Station to the 7th District police Headquarter, the protesters chanted slogans against the US police’s racist and inappropriate behavior.

They also protested a newly proposed crime bill which has been unveiled by Washington DC Mayor Muriel Bowser.

Bowser’s new crime bill will increase the number of police officers across Southeast DC, which is home to a high proportion of African-Americans. Activists feel the new proposal is an act that will criminalize the community.

The rally came after numerous cases in recent months in which American cops killed black citizens in different states.