European Commission to Offer Initiative on Refugee Crisis in EU

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The European Commission’s president plans to present a new 16-point plan aimed to stop the chaos with the inflow of refugees to the bloc, obliging the heads of the EU member states to better cooperate at a refugee summit scheduled to be held in Brussels on Sunday.

The key requirement of Jean-Claude Juncker’s plan is that European countries stop sending thousands of migrants to their neighboring states inside the bloc without the consent of the neighbors, Sputnik reported on Saturday.

"The policy of pandering to unhindered border crossing is unacceptable," the 12th point of the plan reads.

According to the plan, each of the governments of EU states should choose one representative to be part of a contact group no later than one day after the Sunday’s summit.

Juncker expects the contact group to effectively share information about registered migrants within the bloc.

"Neighbors should work together, not against each other," he stressed.

Europe has been beset by an enormous refugee crisis, with hundreds of thousands of undocumented migrants fleeing to Europe to escape war in their home countries in the Middle East and North Africa.

According to the EU border agency Frontex's latest estimates, the number of migrants who have crossed the bloc’s external frontiers in the first nine months of 2015 has exceeded 710,000.