Bahraini NGO Reveals Al Khalifa Crackdown on Religious Practices

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Spokesman of Bahrain Forum for Human Rights said there have been numerous cases of Bahraini regime’s suppression of Shiite Muslims in religious ceremonies during the lunar month of Muharram.

Speaking in gathering of Lebanese Muslim clerics, Baqir Darwish said the Al Khalifa regime has committed 47 cases of violation of religious freedom in Bahrain during the month of Muharram, in which Shiites perform annual mourning rites in commemoration of Imam Hussein (AS), the grandson of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and the third Shiite Imam.

The ruling regime summoned 13 clerics and preachers in Muharram, two of whom are in custody on spurious charges, Darwish added, Al Alam Arabic-language news channel reported.

According to the spokesman, the Manama regime has used brute force in 17 different areas to remove the signs and flags related to Muharram mourning processions.

In 4 regions, demonstrations in protest at the sacrilegious moves by the regime forces were met with heavy crackdown, he added, saying that security forces fired shots and used tear gas to break up the demonstrations, injuring a number of people. 

In Muharram, Shiite Muslims perform mourning rituals to commemorate the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Hussein (AS) and his companions. But the Al Khalifa ruling regime in Bahrain is opposed to such Shiite rites.

The regime’s measures against these rituals are part of a wider crackdown on the Persian country's people.

Since mid-February 2011, thousands of protesters have held numerous demonstrations in the streets of Bahrain, calling on the royal family to step down from power.

The protesters have also slammed the Manama regime’s arrest and torture of the political activists, demanding their release.