Syrian Army Kills Over 25 ISIL Militants in Homs Province: Source

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Syrian Army forces killed at least 25 ISIL militants near the traditionally Christian town of Sadad in the Homs province, a military source said Tuesday.

According to the source, artillery and aircraft are heavily involved in ongoing clashes near occupied Mheen, Sputnik News reported on Tuesday citing another Russian news agency.

"Clashes are near [the town of] Mheen. The army has eliminated over 25 Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant militants and a convoy of six trucks with heavy machine guns," a source told RIA Novosti.

After the terrorists had captured Mheen on Sunday, the Christian population of the nearby Sadad fled the town, fearing an extremist attack.

Since the beginning of the foreign-backed crisis in Syria in March 2011, an assortment of militant groups, including the Takfiri terrorists and the US-backed Free Syrian Army, have been formed in the country with the ultimate goal of overthrowing the Syrian government.

However, the militant groups have frequently turned on each other and engaged in infighting in a power struggle and over resources. Hundreds of thousands of people have been killed so far in Syria due to the violence perpetrated by the terrorists.