Iran Eyes Closer Ties with Turkey after Ruling Party’s Election Win

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s First Vice-President Eshaq Jahangiri called for stronger political cooperation between Tehran and Ankara for the settlement of regional crises, after Turkey’s ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) secured a stunning victory in Sunday's snap parliamentary election.

In a telephone conversation with Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu on Friday, Jahangiri congratulated the neighboring country on the successful organization of the parliamentary election, describing that as a sign of the Turkish nation’s “political maturity” and democracy in Turkey.

He also expressed the hope that Iran and Turkey would keep their friendly ties like the past and make bigger steps towards the expansion of relations.

Highlighting the tense situation across the Middle East region, Jahangiri also called for closer cooperation between the two neighbors in settlement of the regional conflicts and the fight against terrorism.

“Iran and Turkey should use their political capacities for the settlement of crises in Syria and Iraq, and promote their cooperation in this field,” the Iranian official added.

For his part, the Turkish premier noted that enhancement of ties with Iran is a top priority for the Ankara government.

Referring to the AKP party’s control over the government for four more years, Davutoglu said Tehran-Ankara relations are of greater significance at the current circumstances for resolving the regional problems.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s AKP party won Sunday’s vote by a landslide, taking 316 seats in the 550-member parliament to easily form a government on its own after it lost its majority in a June ballot.