Syrian Forces Tighten Noose around ISIL Terrorists in Aleppo

DAMASCUS (Tasnim) – Syrian army troops backed by their allied forces have managed to advance in ISIL-held areas on the southern outskirts of Aleppo after heavy clashes with the terrorists.

According to Tasnim dispatches, heavy fighting is taking place in the suburbs of Aleppo in northern Syria after the country’s security forces recaptured the village of Kafr Haddad on the southern outskirts of the city.

During an operation by the Syrian army, the village was cleared of ISIL terrorists and many of their vehicles were seized by the troops.

In another operation in the suburbs of Hama in west-central Syria, the army forces managed to kill dozens of militants.

The Syrian Army spokesman said earlier on Friday that the military forces carried out successful operations in Daraa, Homs, Aleppo, Lattakia, Deir ez-Zor, Hama and Damascus over the past two days.

In Aleppo, a joint operation by the army and the voluntary forces led to the liberation of tens of villages, SANA quoted the spokesman as saying.

Syria has been entangled in civil war since March 2011. The Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) Takfiri terrorist group controls parts of the Arab country, mostly in the east.

Meanwhile, Russia’s aerial support for the Syrian forces has given fresh impetus to the fight against the foreign-backed terrorists.

Since late September, Russia has been carrying out bombings against the ISIL terrorists in Syria, after Russia's parliament granted President Putin authorization to deploy the country's air force abroad.

In the past four and half years, more than 250,000 people have died in Syria -overwhelmingly civilians- and around 4 million Syrian people are now refugees in other countries. Around 8 million others have been displaced internally.